By: Ezra Malater, Shira Kohler, and Viktor Syku
Nothing reminds us more of those nice summer days huddled around the campfire more than s’mores. Unfortunately, most of us who might wish to recapture those memories don’t have a fire pit and kindling on hand. Luckily, you likely have all the tools you need in your very own kitchen. So prepare to make some indoor s’mores!
- Marshmallows – regular sized
- Graham crackers
- Chocolate bar (~3-6 pieces of Hershey chocolate)
- Small plate
- Skewering implement: kebab stick, chopstick, etc.
- Gas stove top
Step 1. Split one graham cracker in half along the serrated edge, creating two squares and place side by side onto the plate
Step 2. Break off a piece of chocolate and place on top of either piece
Step 3. Take your stick of choice and one marshmallow and stab through the center of one of the circular faces until secure (up to the stick reaching the other side)
- You will know the marshmallow is secure on the stick if you can rotate and turn the stick upside down and the marshmallow stays in place.
Step 4. Turn on your stovetop’s burner to low heat
- Turn dial for desired stovetop until you reach the “gas” label, then hold over that point until flame ignites, then turn to desired heat
Step 5. Hold the stick with the marshmallow over the burner, keeping your hand a safe distance from heat. Rotate periodically for about one minute or until the marshmallow has a consistent golden brown color.
- Note: should the marshmallow catch on fire, quickly blow it out. It will still be safe to eat, but may be burnt.
Step 6. Once the marshmallow is toasted to your liking, turn off the burner.
Step 7. Lay the toasted marshmallow on top of the chocolate covered graham cracker.
Step 8. Place the other graham cracker exactly on top of the marshmallow to create a sandwich.
Step 9. Put slight pressure on the top cracker and delicately slide out the stick, making sure to brace and keep the s’more intact.
Step 10. Pick up and enjoy immediately!