How To Make Baked Ziti Step by Step – Sarina Lepore, Erin Welch, Logan Scott, Nya Greene
These are instructions for how to make baked ziti. These instructions were created for beginners who need detailed instructions on how to create this dish. However, any one of any skill level can use these step-by-step instructions to become a master at making baked ziti.
- 1 lb ziti pasta
- mozzarella cheese block
- 3 cups spaghetti sauce
- 1⁄2 cup grated parmesan cheese,
- salt shaker
- 13”x9” Casserole pan or foil tin
- PAM Cooking Spray
- Large Pot (8 quarts)
- Small Pot (3 quarts)
- Strainer
- Medium sized cutting board
- Serrated knife
- Wooden spoon
- Ladle
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350o F
Step 2: Place large pot on stove top burner filled ¾’s of the way with water
- a. Put burner on medium-high heat
- b. Add pinch of salt to water
Step 3: Bring water to boil, look for bubbling water
- a. While waiting for the water to come to a boil, cut cheese into thin slices (about ¾ of the block)
Step 4: Place 1 box of ziti into boiling water and cook pasta until it is halfway cooked- approximately 5-6 minutes
- a. Every 1-2 minutes stir the pasta around the water with wooden spoon about 3-5 times, ensuring it is not sticking to the bottom of the pot
Step 5: At the same time, simmer your tomato sauce in the small pot on medium to low heat until ziti is ready to be constructed
Step 6: Pour water and pasta into strainer in order to clear water from pasta, and then return pasta to large pot
Step 7: Add half of your sauce to the pasta pot and stir with a ladle. This helps the ziti be less dry after it’s baked
- a. Ensure all ziti noodles are covered with sauce
Step 8: Spray a 13×9 casserole pan with PAM cooking spray, ensuring all areas are covered
- a. If your casserole dish is a tin foil you can skip this step as the pasta will not stick to the foil
Step 9: Pour a thin layer of the sauce into the bottom of the casserole dish, about ½ a cup
- a. Pour half of the ziti on top of the sauce in the casserole dish
Step 10: Place a layer of mozzarella slices onto the top of the baked ziti casserole dish
Step 11: Sprinkle the top of the ziti mixture with half of the total grated parmesan cheese across the entirety of the casserole dish
Step 12: Spread another layer of sauce on top of the cheese layer
Step 13: Then spread the other half of the pasta on top, followed by another layer of the remaining sauce, then a layer of mozzarella cheese slices, and lastly the last of the grated parmesan cheese
Step 14: Put the casserole dish into the oven on the top shelf and bake the Baked Ziti in the oven for 30-45 minutes
a. Wait for cheese to golden brown, crisp and melted
b. Turn off oven and let sit for 15 minutes to cool